Thursday, October 24, 2013

Covenants: the Gateway to Awesomeness.

I got that title from the Bible Dictionary entry for "Awesomeness". It reads "Awesomeness is experienced as one allows the Atonement into their life and therefore receives greater guidance from the Lord and greater meaning in their lives." 

So I lied. That's not a real quote, and there is no BDE for awesomeness. However, if there were I'm pretty sure that it would start with the connection between the Atonement and covenants. 

The past two weeks I've been trying to more-so live the Doctrine of Christ by focusing more on keeping my covenants. First I dove into some serious covenant study (like a real estate lawyer). I mapped out all the covenants that I've made with the Lord including baptism, the priesthood, and my temple covenants (there are a lot). Then I studied the requirements and blessings for each covenant. As I did, I was impressed by a commonality that spread across all of the covenants. They all have a focus on serving God by serving other people. 

With this is mind, I wanted to find a way to better keep my covenants on a daily basis. I decided to plan in every night ways that I could live the doctrines of the covenants (sacrifice, obedience, consecration) by serving people. As I planned these things I found myself calling my mom more, reaching out to old friends, and trying to make new friends so that I could have people to serve. 

It's been incredible! I feel like I'm understanding my covenants better every day. These last two weeks have honestly been some of the funnest two weeks that I've had since my mission. I know its all because the Lord showed me new ways that I could keep my covenants. I'm so grateful for the blessings that come as we live the way that the Lord has promised us to live. I know that I allow Him into my life more and more as I keep the the covenants that I've made with him. You could say that covenants are the gateway to awesomeness. 

1 comment:

  1. Going along with this, the message I got from the Relief Society session of conference this year was, "keep your covenants by being kind to others." It doesn't actually take that much. So my daily goal was very similar, and to find some small things every day to help others and honor my covenants. I never realized how much I don't actually hold doors open for people, or tell them their backpack is unzipped, or call people I know could use a cheerful 'hello.' But doing this has helped me love others so much more. I gave a ride to a friend, and I was on a spiritual high for the rest of the night. I feel like I'm a nicer person, and that my relationship with God is growing. It's great. The doctrine of Christ is great!
