Monday, February 4, 2013

The Medium-sized Fine Print

There are a lot of words on that piece of paper. It helps to know what you agree to when you sign it.

1 comment:

  1. Just a comment of a revelation I received today in our zone meeting. We were finishing up and my zone coordinator (CJ) asked us all how we felt when we saw him write on the board the practice that we were going to do. It really hit me and he pointed out how we really aren't much different than the missionaries in so many way. How do we feel when Lisanne tells us we're gonig to practice? Do we thrive in it and strive to learn, or do we prefer when she shows the 10-15 minute videos so we can get some "time off"? We must examine ourselves and look at where our motivations lie. I put this comment on the stewardhip document page because I feel that it is part of our stewardship to practice what we preach. We need to examine where we are at in our motivations and use our agency righteously to focus on the doctines of the gospel, thus helping our motivations and lives to become much more intrinsically driven.
